

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Wearing high heels is very popular among women because high-heeled shoes are quite special and ambivalent for ladies, but sometimes wearing high heels to many women have a love and hate relationship about them, because they can bring ladies beauty and discomfort at the same time. Let us talk about the advantage and disadvantage of wearing high heels.

First of all, a pair of beautiful high heels represents wealthy or superior. This ides has led woman to believe that they are more beautiful elegant and sophisticated when wearing heels.

 Also if they put on one they will express image of professionalism and be out-live fast moving trends and in addition function of lung and abdomen could be improved by means of tightening stomach and throwing net chest when putting on high heel shoes. Furthermore weaning heels can help women prevent some disease such as hypnosis, and retroversion.

Regardless of such above mentioned advantages of wearing high heeled shoes over a long period of time brings much negative effects to girls especially for feet health. The fact remains that putting on heels is harmful to one’s physical healthy which is known to cause problems such as deformed feet and torn toenails.

The risk of severe back broken ankles are three times higher for a high heel wearer than for flat shoe wearer. Recent studies have shown that nearly one third of British women wearing high heels suffered from long term health problems

Besides, putting heels chronically makes a lot of ladies feel uncomfortable; they need spend much time in adapting to this situation on tolerating huge pain. Also high heels are not suitable shoes for pregnant women to put on, because it disturbs the growth of the baby.

Therefore, on the whole, it’s not suitable to wear high heeled shoes for a long time. Nonetheless, as a large amount of company treat it as a require mentor or dress code, alternating between fattiest and high heeled shoes in the office become a useful choice. Meanwhile it is important to note that no matter how fabulous they are, heels that two high is never a good ideas


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